> --On Sunday, October 27, 2002 12:33 PM -0500 Joshua Slive
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sure, you can do that.  But in that case, you really do need to
> > make absolutely sure that every mirror works every time.  What I
> > have implemented allows the user to gracefully fallback to a
> > working mirror.
> No, because there would be a selection box that allows the selection
> of which mirror to use.  So, it would still allow for graceful
> fallback in the event that the 'default' mirror is down.
> I'm trying to write it up now.  I'm also cleaning up closer.cgi while
> I'm at it.  -- justin
FWIW, and if you don't mind using php, take a look at


(i suggest the make version, runs faster, needs latest cvs of wget)



convert this code to look at a seperated-values file, if desired, or use the
database. Either way, you can easily adapt this to maintain a dynamic list
of mirrors, or at least provide status updates on mirrors.

 -- james

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