On May 7, 2004, at 7:26 PM, Aaron Bannert wrote:

But we're holding out on them. We're saying that we know
better than they do. I don't think we do. Sure, we should be

In a way, we're holding out on them. However, I believe that a couple of days time to sanity check an RC is IMHO not a bad thing. The last thing we, as the Apache community, want is to have to retract a release after a couple thousand people find fault with it.

I don't think many of us have the cycles for rigorous testing (I know I don't), and we certainly cannot account for every platform and configuration that our millions of users may be running the release in. This is where the 'many eyeballs' and 'all bugs are shallow' stuff comes in and yes, that is indeed one of the big strengths of the open source model.

However, I still think staging a release so that a small number of informed volunteers can see that the tarball unzips, signatures match and that it builds and runs on their boxes, is a good thing. And everyone can participate: subscribing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is open for everyone, and the same holds for current-testers@ and [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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