It's a bug in mod_xslt, if that module trys to set aside a transient bucket.


At 12:09 AM 5/19/2004, Stas Bekman wrote:
>We have the following situation in mod_perl 2 land: we use the same buffer to 
>allocate data in buckets which are passed to the filters. That bucket is created once 
>per request. It works perfectly fine and effective most of the time (we copy from 
>user's program perl space into the re-usable buffer, but no extra allocation 
>happens). But just now one user has reported that it breaks mod_xslt filter, which 
>sets aside the buckets sent from the modperl handler, and then uses them after seeing 
>EOS. By that time the data in all but last bucket is corrupted. Obviously the 
>straightforward solution is to allocate a new buffer for each bucket that mod_perl 
>sends to the filter chain. But this is a huge waste for most users, which don't use 
>this particular kind of output filters that setaside buckets.
>My question is: Is it possible to mark the bucket's data as volatile or something, so 
>if a downstream filter wants to set them aside it will have to do the copying?
>At the moment the bucket is created as:
>    bucket = apr_bucket_transient_create(buf, len, ba);
>and buf is static for the length of the request.
>Thank you.
>Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>     mod_perl Guide --->

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