William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> As to Nick's comment, I certainly agree with your position, there
> is not enough adoption of APR to -not- roll in the apr/apr-util

Isn't that chicken-and-egg?  APR is seen as part of Apache(httpd)
by everyone outside a small core, most of whom probably subscribe
to this list.

Site Valet distributed (a subset of) APR.  If I had reason to expect
people to have APR installed in a standard place, I'd love to stop
doing that.  I'm sure that's far from being the only application:
it just happens to be the one I'm responsible for.

If we're serious about APR having a life of its own, let's put our
money where our mouth is and unbundle them.  As soon as that happens,
APR will get packaged in all the distros.  It works for me:
httpd-2.1 builds and runs with APR-1.x.  If it fails on some
platforms, that's simply a bug that needs fixing before release.

Nick Kew

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