Nick Kew wrote:

If we're serious about APR having a life of its own, let's put our
money where our mouth is and unbundle them.  As soon as that happens,
APR will get packaged in all the distros.  It works for me:
httpd-2.1 builds and runs with APR-1.x.  If it fails on some
platforms, that's simply a bug that needs fixing before release.


We now support ASF packaging files (starting with RPM derivatives and Solaris PKG) for separate installs of both APR and httpd, the end goal being that if we lead the way with how httpd and APR should be packaged, distro maintainers will (hopefully) follow. Redhat/Fedora (and others) already supports separate installs, and I am on the case for getting Sunfreeware to support system packages for APR. Hopefully this will build enough incentive for getting other platforms to ship the packages this way too.


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