Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 03:57:55AM +0100, Sander Striker wrote:


Currently CacheIgnoreCacheControl On only ignores Cache-Control: no-cache
and Pragma: no-cache.  I'd like to add ignoring Cache-Control: max-age=...
and Cache-Control: min-fresh=... as well.

This would give the admin more control, and would also make the directive
slightly more intuitive IMO.  This because different browsers do different
things.  One will send a Cache-Control: no-cache on a refresh, and one will
send a Cache-Control: max-age=...  It would be nice if the effect would
be the same for both.


While I think this is a good idea, I'd like to consider renaming this
particular directive as I think the name is really confusing.

Does that mean you want me to hold off on committing this patch pending a directive rename? Isn't that a seperate issue?

My concern is that CacheIgnoreCacheControl only refers to the request's
Cache-Control not the origin response's Cache-Control header.  But, I like
that separation because having it refer to both is too coarse-grained, I think.

Definately agreed. Ignoring response Cache-Control is in another league than ignoring the request Cache-Control.

But, I don't have any real ideas for what an alternative name is. -- justin



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