--On Tuesday, March 8, 2005 8:12 PM +0200 Eli Marmor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If I recall correctly, there were MANY conditions in mod_cache that
prevented caching (like checking for a POST method, no-store, no-cache,
auth, GET args, private, public, must-revalidate, maxage, etc.).

My idea was to have one directive, with an option for each of them,
including the conditions that are already supported, plus two special
options - one that represents the empty set of options, and one that
turns on all of the options.

Hmm. That's an interesting approach. How about an ITERATE directive with a bit-wise field that represent their value in the config structure? I sort of like that... =)

To be clear, something like:

CacheOptions +StorePrivate +IgnoreClientControl +IgnoreServerControl +CachePOST +CacheAuth
CacheOptions +all
CacheOptions -all

Feel like writing a patch? =) -- justin

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