On 1/18/06, André Malo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Garrett Rooney wrote:
> > The specific problem I'm trying to fix is that mod_dav_svn fails to
> > run a pre-lock hook script when you try to lock a filename with double
> > byte characters.  It never even gets to the point of trying to run the
> > script, it fails trying to build the command line because it can't
> > convert the filename from utf8 to the native encoding because the
> > locale is C and thus the native encoding is 7 bit ascii.  I'm having
> > trouble finding a work around for this that doesn't involve setting
> > the locale, although if there's anything obvious I'm missing I'd love
> > to hear it.
> It doesn't belong here, but... I'm wondering why the path isn't passed as
> UTF-8. Why is it translated to the locale at all? It's all happening within
> the svn file system, so I'd really expect to get utf-8 and would consider
> locale translation as a bug.

Well, I imagine that the assumption is that any hook script is going
to be using the actual locale specified in LANG/LC_ALL/etc env
variables, so if we don't translate to that locale it'll get rather
confused by utf8 data in its command line.  As a general rule svn
translates from native -> utf8 on input and from utf8 -> native for
output.  Ironically, if the LANG/LC_ALL/etc env vars were being
followed by httpd this translation would be a noop, since the system
uses a utf8 locale...


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