> which is why I'm -1 to polluting the subject - there's plenty of X-
> headers to work on.

This would be ok, if you always work with one mail client at home.

Since there are certainly several people like me who are working with several
mail clients (tb at home, pine over ssh at work, webmail,...), it would be nice
to see at a first glance that a certain mail belongs to a certain list.

But I agree, the shorter the better. (although you should see to which module
list the mail belongs.)

Here my voting:

[modules-dev]           +       good, but you can't see the type of modules
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       -       too long
[httpd-mod-dev]         ++

regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek
lookup www.dfn-pca.de/pgpkserv/ for KeyID 0xC11F128D

   Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for chaos and madness
   await thee at its end.

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