On Mon, 2 Oct 2006, Davi Arnaut wrote:

Simpler, yes. But it only has the benefit of not eating all your

Well, that was the goal. Maybe we could merge this one instead and work
together on the other goals.

As I have said before, we have a large patchset that fixes a bunch of problems. However, since the wish was to merge it in pieces, I have started breaking it into pieces for merging.

If the intent is a total redesign of mod_disk_cache, ie you're not interested in these patches at all, please say so and I would have not wasted a lot of work on bending our patches to get something that works when applying them one by one and then do QA on the thing.

* It leaves the brigade containing the uncached entity, so it will
   cause the backend to first deliver stuff to be cached and then stuff
   to the client.

Yeah, that's how mod_disk_cache works. I think it's possible to work
around this limitation without using threads by keeping each cache
instance with it's own brigades and flushing it occasionally with
non-blocking i/o.

The replace_brigade_with_cache()-function simply replaced the brigade with an instance pointing to the cached entity.

Or we could move all disk i/o to a mod_disk_cache exclusive thread pool,
it could be configurable at build time whether or not to use a thread pool.

Comments ?

I would very happy if people would fix the mod_disk_cache mess so I didn't have to. However, since noone seems to have produced something usable for our usage in the timeframe mod_disk_cache has existed I was forced to hack on it.

I'm trying my best to not give up on having it merged as I know that there are other sites interested in it, and now that the first trivial bit has been applied I'm hoping that people will at least look at the rest... There are bound to be cool apachier ways to solve some of the problems, but given that our patch is stable in production and has a generally much higher code quality than mod_disk_cache (ever heard of error checking/handling?) it would be nice if people at least could look at the whole thing before starting to complain at the complexity of small parts (or code not touched by the patch, for that matter).

* When this evolves to wanting to spawn a thread/process to do the
   copying you'll need the "is this a file"-thingie anyway (at least I
   need it, but I might have missed some nifty feature in APR).

You would just need to copy the remaining buckets (granted if there are
no concurrency problems) and send then to a per-process thread pool.

And when not having threads?

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To avoid seeing a fool, break your mirror.

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