On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, Joe Orton wrote:

IMO: for a general purpose cache it is not appropriate to stop and try
to write the entire response to the cache before serving anything.

This is existing mod_disk_cache behaviour, the patches reduces these problems. Maybe not in a perfect way, but in a way good enough to show really noticeable improvements.

Since improving this mess is a gradual process, you'll have to live with kludges until the optimal solution is there. The alternative would be to do a completely new perfectly designed cache, which given the time it has taken to get mod_cache/mod_disk_cache even near a usable state simply won't happen...

You can't both have "we want fixes in small incremental pieces" and "this thing sucks, make it perfect at once".

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Buy a 486-33 you can reboot faster..

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