On 01/21/2007 05:55 PM, Scott MacVicar wrote:
> Ruediger Pluem wrote:
>> On 01/21/2007 04:09 PM, Scott MacVicar wrote:
>>> We did use mod_expires but the Expires header was being passed on to the
>>> client, mod_headers didn't appear to be able to unset this during tests.
>> This is true, but what is the problem with passing the Expires header
>> to the
>> client? If you want to prevent the clients from requesting /
>> revalidating the resource
>> frequently you can simply set an expiration date far in the future
>> (about a year).
> True this would work but requires configuration on each of our web
> servers, I'd also need to find an equivalent for our non-Apache
> machines. I guess I prefer having a centralised point in which to
> control the caching behaviour.

Sorry for being confused here. You would use mod_expire on the same box / httpd
you use for caching. So this setting would be as centralized as your caching
configuration. I admit that it is a pitty that you cannot make


dependant on an environment variable as you can do with mod_headers.



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