Nick Kew wrote:

> Thanks.  I've just reviewed both patches, and added them as an
> attachment to PR#42327 and a proposal in STATUS.

   I apologize for joining this thread a little late.  I know it's
more complicated, but I'm inclined to suggest trying to bring the more
comprehensive trunk fixes into 2.2.x.

   First, can I suggest that PR #42327 be marked as a duplicate of
PR #41302?  For many details, see this comment in particular, and its
various references:

   Trunk also includes a large number of other fixes, including those
for PR #39985.  Both PR #39985 and PR #41302 have comments from
their respective reporters indicating that the trunk version resolves
their problems, and I think all three PRs could be closed as soon
as backports are committed to 2.2.x.

   Sorry again for the lack of time -- things should ease up for me
in a month or two.


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