On Tue, 22 May 2007, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

tis 2007-05-22 klockan 11:40 +0200 skrev Niklas Edmundsson:

Does anybody see a problem with changing mod_cache to not update the
stored headers when the request has max-age=0, the body turns out not
to be stale and the on-disk header hasn't expired?

My understanding:

It's fine in an RFC point of view for the cache to completely ignore a
304 and not update the stored entity at all. But the response to this
request should be the merge of the two responses assuming the
conditional was added by the cache.

This is in line with my understanding, and since the response-merging is being done today the only change that would be done is to skip storing the header to disk. I think it would be wise to only skip the storing for the max-age=0 case though.

Should I try to whip up a patch for it then?

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Radioactive halibut will make fission chips.

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