On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, Niklas Edmundsson wrote:

Any opinions on this?

Here's a version with a config directive, defaults to disabled.

Silly Q; a directive?  Or a env var that can be scoped in interesting
ways using mod_setenvif and/or mod_rewrite?

Most of our proxy behavior overrides are in terms of envvars.  They are
much more flexible to being tuned per-browser, per-backend etc.

Directive, envvar, I don't think Niklas cares much.  Can we make up our
mind please?

I have no clue on the envvar-stuff, so I don't think I'm qualified to have an opinion. CacheIgnoreCacheControl et al are config directives currently and I have the gut feeling that they should all either be envvar-thingies or config directives, and that starting to mix stuff will only end in confusion and despair ;)

I prefer a config-option that I can set serverwide without too much fuss since we want this behaviour on all files. If this can also be accomplished with envvar-stuff then sure.

One way might be to do a config directive for now, and deal with the envvar-stuff separately.

Related, this config option might also be of interest for mod_disk_cache to enable similar optimizations. What would the "good" way be to accomplish this?


 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Now, what was that magic word? Shazam? <WHAM!> Nah - Garibaldi

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