William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> doesn't belong on any external site.  Since it's not an ASF release,
> *you* are absorbing all the liability and risk that any released ASF
> package would carry.  It's an apachelounge release, so you would
> personally answer to any IP issues.  Not smart.

Issac Goldstand wrote:
> Steffen,
>   I really don't see anything threatening by what Bill said.  On the
> posting an RC without enough bells, whistles or warning lights
> (regardless of how many notices you did put up about it being a RC and
> not a release; they'll say it's a binary and who's looking, or

Maybe not threatening - but it is an eye-opener for some of us that the Apache2 license protects "released" versions of Apache differently.

My (possibly faulty) understanding was that the whole "Redistribution" and "Disclaimer of Warranty" parts applied to *any* Apache software - even if it was built from today's bug-ridden head revision of the trunk, and that it was a solid and reliable protection from just the scenario you describe.

The "you-must-build-it-yourself-from-source" rule to test a release candidate probably isn't too much bother for Unix users, but many Windows users look to a small number of "Windows builders" to build a RC like Steffen's VC8 build so they can test what they expect to put into production once the version is released (*if* it is released of course!)

I am certainly one of these.

The likelihood that Apache Lounge members would mistake Steffen's 2.2.5 build for a released version is no greater than all the many other situations where unreleased versions of open-source software are available. Perhaps a first-time hobbyist experimenter might make this mistake, but certainly not any professional admins.

The angst over Steffen's build sounds a bit more territorial than legal to me. Just my 2c worth...


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