
The announcement states it clearly. I had a discussion with Bill about 2.2.4 too in january, and he agreed on this.


Apache 2.2.5 Win32 RC available

Apache 2.2.5 Win32 RC is now available for download here at the Apache Lounge. It is build without any modification to the ASF source and is expected soon to be released by ASF.

Download and Changelog at www.apachelounge.com/download/

Please report when you have issues with this new build.


and on the download page:

Apache 2.2.5 RC with apr-1.2.9 apr-util-1.2.8 apr-iconv-1.2.0 openssl-0.9.8e zlib-1.2.3 :


----- Original Message ----- From: "Rainer Jung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dev@httpd.apache.org>
Sent: Sunday, 19 August, 2007 11:38
Subject: Re: Apachelounge problems

Hello Steffen,

I'm a Tomcat committer but not part of the httpd project. Nevertheless
as all projects we also need to control, how release candidates get
distributed. On the one hand we want a lot of testers to participate, on
the other hand we need to unambiguously tell people downloading the
code, that it's a non-release.

After you wrote you feedback mail concerning test results for 2.2.5 I
was curious and clicked on your download link. I remember that I was
astonished, that the 2.2.5 download on that page was not further
qualified as being pre-release, release candidate or similar. It could
well be, that such an information would have been presented to me, in
case I had tried to actually download, which I did not. But at first
glance I could not see any information, that 2.2.5 wasn't yet released.

Sometimes the problem is in the details. I hope you will soon open up
your important community service at apachelounge again.



Steffen wrote:
The angst over Steffen's build sounds a bit more territorial than legal to me. Just my 2c worth...

Tom, indeed that is  my feeling : territorial.

There is more, see my next post about the Apache Feather I have to remove.


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