There is a lot changing in the open-source world.  I've seen  a similar
discussion with MySQL, although not as painful as the  issues we have now.
It seems that MySQL is now releasing "Enterprise"  versions frequently and
"Community" versions infrequently.

I guess the Apache Foundation is now also starting to act more corporate and
less community-oriented.  Sad, but we live in a changing world and this
legalistic-corporate-nasty trend is likely to continue for a while.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Jagielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, 19 August, 2007 18:24
Subject: Re: Goodbye

Steffen wrote:

The admonishment not to use the feather or the "Apache" name resembles
behavior of the very worst big-software corporations - and a  reminder
ASF is after all "... a corporation registered in  Delaware, United
States..." - not a fellowship of web server  administrators, developers,
enthusiasts.  It is a sober reminder to  us all that caution is needed
dealing with Apache software as with  any other software, lest we forget
that httpd has become "their product"  vs. "our web server".

That is really unfair, I think... Notwithstanding the fact whether
or not this issue could have been handled better, are you
really suggesting that the ASF seeking to protect its name,
reputation, brand and trademarks are somehow Not Good? The ASF
and the user and developer community have worked long and hard
in making the name Apache *mean something*. This reputation
was hard yet well earned. The ASF exists to allow the projects
to continue doing what they do, and doing it well, without having
to worry about such troublesome but real world issues such as
trademarks and things like that... The Apache brand carries a
lot of weight and respect, and it would be a serious disservice
to the users and developers to not protect that brand.

No matter what you may be implying, the ASF does not control
the Apache web server project (httpd) or any other project:
the PMCs and the community do that. It is, and always will remain
"our project" (our being the user and developer community).

  Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
    "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

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