Mail but not reply yet but I'm in the process of renaming
all the stuff,
If they don't agree with the new name I'll do it again. But I have a few

--- readme.txt extract ---
What is it?
HTTP Server On USB is a self contained webserver.
Based on Apache HTTPD Server. It comes with php, mod_ssl, mod_perl and
Simply drop your files into wwwroot, then your good to go!

--- end extract ---

I'd like to add an additional note to this but I'm unsure in how to phrase
What I want to say is:
That I take the source tarball's that are posted e.g. (only official release no T&R, svn etc).

I'd also like to knew if I need to add an additional disclaimer that I don't
offer any warranties if somehow (unlikely) manage to cost a company huge
sums of money and they want to sue me.

I presume that since I compiled the code itself they can't point the finger
at the ASF so will come looking for me. (since my of my personal info is on
my CV on my site they'll find me in seconds).

Thanks for you time


On 8/24/07, Lars Eilebrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to Jorge:
> > Should I change these names to other things too to be safe? If so any
> ideas?
> > I can see ApacheMobile being something like ServerOnAStick or something.
> But
> > if I need to change them I have no idea what to call ApacheMon.
> >
> > Any comments on this are welcome.
> This FAQ entry may answer your question:
> But you ask the public relations committee for permission
> (
> ciao...
> --
> Lars Eilebrecht

Version 2.6b:
- Renamed to HTTP Server On USB to not break the ASF Licensing terms

Version 2.6:
- Fixed bug in ApacheMobile.exe where minimalization would fail
- Updated HTTPD to 2.2.4
- Updated PHP to 5.2.3
- Added xdebug to php

Version 2.5 rev2:
- Fix a bug in ApacheMobile.exe
- Updated to layout to match ltie edition
- Disabled APC (cause random crashes on shutdown)

Version 2.5:
- Updated HTTPD to 2.2.2
- Updated PHP to 5.1.4
- Enabled APC (Adance PHP Cache)

Version 2.4:
- Updated HTTPD to 2.2.1
- Updated php to 5.1.2
- Added mod_security
# HTTP Server On USB                   #
# ------------------------------------ #
# By Jorge Schrauwen 2006              #
#               #

What is it?
HTTP Server On USB is a self contained webserver.
Based on Apache HTTPD Server. It comes with php, mod_ssl, mod_perl and 
Simply drop your files into wwwroot, then your good to go!

Unpack this archive into the root of an empty USB-Key,
128mb is the minimum size,
256mb is recommended if you'll be placing some larger files on there.

Simple start HTTPServerOnUSB.exe
You can then use the tray icon to start/stop Apache Mobile.
Make sure to select Exit from the trayicon before removing your USB-Key!

You can change the some settings in HTTPServerOnUSB.ini
DAV     -> 0 = off, 1 = On (Default=1)
SSL     -> 0 = off, 1 = On (Default=0)
PHP     -> 0 = off, 1 = On (Default=1)
SSI     -> 0 = off, 1 = On (Default=1)
PERL    -> 0 = off, 1 = On (Default=1)
DEFLATE -> 0 = off, 1 = On (Default=0)

User Management:
The default admin user account:
UID: admin
PW: apachemobile

You can only change this by resetting the user database.
To do so run %drive%:\Apache2\conf\database\restore.cmd,
You will be promted for the new password.

You can add aditional Users (for DAV) by running
%drive%:\Apache2\conf\database\add_user.cmd usernamehere, from the command line.

DAV Server:
There are no default DAV users.
So you must use the admin UID and PW.

Use a DAV client to access it or use IE:
File->Open->, check "Open as Web Folder"->OK

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