Jorge Schrauwen wrote:
> I'd like to add an additional note to this but I'm unsure in how to
> phrase it.
> What I want to say is:
> That I take the source tarball's that are posted e.g.
> (only official release no T&R, svn etc).
> I'd also like to knew if I need to add an additional disclaimer that I
> don't offer any warranties if somehow (unlikely) manage to cost a
> company huge sums of money and they want to sue me.

If you simply note these are the officially released sources and you
provide compiled binaries under the Apache License 2.0 (with no warranty
as spelled out under that license), you should be in reasonably good shape.

If you export from a country that has cryptographic export controls (e.g.
computer programs-as-munitions) you should either avoid shipping any SSL
components or be very careful to follow the export regulations.


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