Of course, the *real* fix is to make the scoreboard and
its entire allocation something which is more callable/usable
by modules, which is something we talked about several
times and is like a major aspect of 3.0.

But the current discussion tries to somehow say
that lb_score shouldn't "know" that it is really
proxy_worker_stat which is totally bogus. It is.
How big we need to make the scoreboard to account
for all the workers (and whether they exist or not)
does nothing to take away from the fact that
the struct used by the scoreboard must define itself
correctly before it even gets to say how many
there are. In other words, that element of the
struct *is* proxy_worker_stat, whether we build with
mod_proxy or not. Until we allow more dynamic allocation
of the scoreboard, I don't see why we just don't make
that as clear as possible, use the known-at-compile time
definition of proxy_worker_stat and stop trying to make
the element opaque for no good reason (and gobbling
up 1k when we need nothing close to that).

All that being said, I'm fine with going back
to the way it was before as long as we stop making
lb_score a 1k array and reduce it to something
much more realistic.

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