Joshua Slive wrote:
> On 10/1/07, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> But I'm rather against breaking this in 2.2 to solve (what are, today)
>> configuration quirks.  Let's get this right for 2.4 and call out the
>> change very clearly in (our overlong) CHANGES?  I'm thinking of a new
>> second-priority category after SECURITY:, e.g. CONFIG: or MUSTNOTE:
>> so administrators who migrate aren't surprised.
> Should be in this, rather sparse file:

But it's not a feature-per say.  It's a bugfix, so the name new_features
doesn't tell admins they have to adopt a change (new feature implies there's
a goodie I can exploit if I choose to)...

...and hiding in docs isn't really the best place for major config-changing
bullet points that will break their previously working, 2.2 server in some
unexpected way.


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