Hi all!

We've been annoyed by the fact that the status page as served by mod_status only shows the first 64 bytes of the current requests for a couple of years now.

We know that it's only meant to be a hint, not the complete request in all conditions, but the problem is that 64 bytes is just too short to be useful in a lot of cases. When using httpd for serving files on a FTP server you usually see the directory and the first characters of the filename, very annoying.

Locally we've been running with a patch[1] to increase the size from 64 bytes to 192 bytes for a while now (since httpd 2.2.4 was released) with no ill effects. Admittedly, our servers are configured to MaxClients 6000 so they don't see the insane amount of simultaneous accesses as some bigger configurations out there.

However, as a useful improvement we would like to propose that the request entry in worker_score is increased from 64 bytes to 128 bytes. This would cover most cases we've seen of missing just a couple of characters in mod_status to be able to determine which file is being accessed...

In terms of memory footprint it would mean the following:

sizeof(worker_score) on:
32bit Linux (Ubuntu 6.06) from 224 bytes to 288 bytes
64bit Linux (Ubuntu 7.04) from 264 bytes to 328 bytes

Summing this up for a server configured for MaxClients 20000 it would mean:
32bit from 4375kB to 5625kB
64bit from 5156kB to 6406kB

Since we're talking about memory footprint increases in the megabyte-range for a server configured for 20000 connections I can't see that the increased memory consumption should be a problem.

To be honest though, I would really prefer having it increased to something like 192 or 256 bytes. 256 bytes would mean an increase of 3750kB for 20000 MaxClients. Not much of a big deal on modern (and not-so-modern) hardware IMHO.


[1] - our patch to increase request scoreboard size.
--- ../dist/include/scoreboard.h        2006-07-12 05:38:44.000000000 +0200
+++ ./include/scoreboard.h      2007-09-20 20:24:41.000000000 +0200
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
     apr_time_t last_used;
     char client[32];           /* Keep 'em small... */
-    char request[64];          /* We just want an idea... */
+    char request[192];         /* We just want an idea... */
char vhost[32]; /* What virtual host is being accessed? */

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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