Paul Querna wrote:
How you stubbed out the file io seems fine for the lifetime of 2.2.x and maybe 2.4.x, but in the long run, I believe we need to support some kind of "VFS" layer, to make all IO pluggable. (open file, directory listing, etc etc).

Just thinking aloud on a few other benefits from a pluggable vfs layer.

* A stackable performance statistics vfs module implementation that does timings on filesystem io calls. * A statcache stackable vfs modules that just stubs out the stat method and caches stat calls for a configurable amount of time (say 10 seconds). * An audit logging stackable vfs module that logs all io calls (mainly for debugging).

In a addition to having a way to mount a vfs hook implementation for a given path, perhaps also an interface to replace a vfs hook with a delegating entry so that it can be stacked.


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