On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:26:14 +0100
Werner Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jim Jagielski wrote:
>  > Here's what I'd like to propose:
>  >    o) We do another triple release: 1.3.40, 2.0.62 and 2.2.7
>  >    o) I tag and roll all 3 this Saturday (Dec 29th)
>  >    o) We anticipate releasing/announcing all on Jan 2, 2008
>  > It would be a great New Year's gift to the community :)
> Great news for all developers of WebDAV-clients:
> A five year old serious bug, that blocks the development of reliable 
> WebDAV-clients (bug #16593 and #38034), is ignored once again, along 
> with the working patches that are provided.

A quick look at the reports shows a lot of competing patches, and a
lot of inconclusive discussion.  So it doesn't look like a simple
matter just to apply patches and close bug.

If you're telling us it is a simple matter, perhaps you could post
a summary here, as a startingpoint for reviewing what you propose.

Nick Kew

Application Development with Apache - the Apache Modules Book

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