mod_ftp fans;

We seem to have identified and solved most post 0.9.0 candidate issues,
so it's time for another try.

Please fetch up the newly prepared httpd-mod_ftp-0.9.1.tar.gz, or the
win32/netware/os2 suitable package (and
their md5/asc sigs) from:

review, take it for a spin, and cast your choice

  [ ] -1 for any release of 0.9.1
  [ ] +1 to release as 0.9.1-alpha
  [ ] +1 to release as 0.9.1-beta
  [ ] +1 to release as 0.9.1-beta, and ready to tag GA (1.0.0)

identifying several issues (I don't plan to vote for better than -beta
just yet).  Supporting -beta means +1 to -alpha instead if that's the
majority opinion.

For getting started,

which has links to all the various documentation.  I haven't finished
the implementation of just yet, and didn't want to
hold up the release any more for just that, but docs on compiling for
win32 are also in README-FTP.


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