On 27.04.2009 21:11, Rainer Jung wrote:
> On 27.04.2009 20:39, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> Rainer Jung wrote:
>> Just to confirm, you are looking at the significantly refactored trunk,
>> and not the 2.2 branch, right?
> I did the fix for 2.2.x, but looking at trunk indicates, that the code
> used and changes in mpm_winnt.c still looks the same. Of course i will
> test on trunk before comitting, but before doing the real trunk patch, I
> wanted to see, whether the feature is needed and what the right command
> syntax would be.

I just built trunk today. The patch applies and works cleanly for trunk too.

It's very simple and uses the existing event type signals. So when you
add more of those events (the non-graceful ones), it should be easy to
extend the patch to the new ones.



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