Paul Querna wrote:
> Vote Results:
>    +1 (binding): Sander Temme, Paul Querna, Joe Orton,  Niklas Edmundsson,
>    +1: Gregg Smith
>  +/-0: Rainer Jung
>     -1: William A. Rowe, Jr.
> Vote passes.

I'm sorry.  I explicitly insisted on a vote on the -deps package seperately
from the 2.3.4 package, because it was entirely reasonable that Sander Temme,
Paul Querna, Joe Orton, Niklas Edmundsson, or Gregg Smith reviewed -only- the
httpd-2.3.4-alpha.tar.xx package alone.

Gentlemen, if you could verify that your vote was for *both* the core package
and the -deps.tar.xx package, that might keep Paul on his schedule (or fall
against the proposed -deps.tar.xx package).

Remember your -deps vote is to approve the release of apr 1.4.0-dev and the
apr-util 1.4.0 dev, and the API versioning rules will bind from that release

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