On 6/30/2010 7:34 AM, jean-frederic clere wrote:
On 06/30/2010 04:17 AM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
Yet again, in class another student pointed out that the Enabled/Disabled
choice in mod_proxy_balancer totally ignores the concept of quiescing,
where we are taking a server offline, but continuing to serve those
requests targeted by session to that server.  Once the number of sessions
settles on something quite low, the user then takes that server offline
entirely and the remaining users are subjected to 'expired session' results.

A boolean Enabled/Disabled flag doesn't address this need.

Does anyone feel like working on this feature, since those I had
previously approached didn't have all that much interest, or got
busy with other things?

There are several things that requires improvements:
1 - The default load balancing logic doesn't work well when you restart
a back-end node.




Can you elaborate more on point 1? I have had issues where a back end application was not ready during a restart and throws a 503 to Apache. Since this is a perfectly valid response to the proxied request, Apache happily sends it along to the user. I wrote a bug (48939) and submitted a patch that creates a configuration directive to help mitigate this issue which is the most significant issue I have come across during a simple back end restart. The patch is currently proposed in STATUS, but has not received votes to go forward (or stay in STATUS).
Daniel Ruggeri

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