Thanks Dennis. I'm wondering what it means for modules to handle
reloads correctly. What can/should a shared object do to gracefully
reload? What should it not do? Are there specific hooks I should
register for in order to handle reloads correctly? And if so, what
should my module do in those hooks?

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
<> wrote:
> On 11/12/2010 03:04 PM, Tom Evans wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Bryan McQuade<>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi. I have read the docs but I have a few questions regarding server
>>> reloads. Under what conditions will httpd reread its conf file? Will
>>> httpd
>>> also reload its shared modules when updating conf files? I am trying to
>>> make
>>> sure that updating a conf and corresponding so on disk with a newer
>>> version
>>> would not cause problems for a running httpd instance. Are there cases
>>> where
>>> it is dangerous to install a newer version of a so and conf file while
>>> httpd
>>> is running?
>> The conf files will only be re-read on a graceful restart (or sending
>> SIGUSR1 to the parent process, which is the same thing).
>> You may want to verify this with others (or by a simple test), but
>> iirc anything loaded with LoadModule or LoadFile is reloaded at the
>> same time.
> I've had problems at times where when I installed an additional php
> extension and greacefully restarted Apache mod_php stoppen working properly.
> This is most likely a problem of mod_php and not Apache but you might take
> it into consideration that while Apache might reload it's modules these
> modules might not handle this properly.
> Regards,
>  Dennis

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