On 01/31/2011 06:20 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
On 1/31/2011 9:55 AM, Mladen Turk wrote:

There is a solution to use DDK7.1
It can create binaries that links to MSVCRT, however
this works for XP+ only.

Which works... provided we continue on the makefile approach or use msbuild.
Note that openssl encourages exactly this solution, and goes out of their way
to avoid msvcrXX flavors.

IDE is probably good enough for GUI apps, but that's just my
opinion. With each version it's a completely new environment,
and I personally see no point of using it for non-interactive projects.
Sure, debugger might be handy but think this is usable without
IDE dependency.

There are now other reasons to avoid msvcrt.dll, given that the maintainers
have declared msvcrt to be an OS component, and have declined to track C
standards or portability.  This is evidenced in their handling of *printf
family of functions, which PHP folks have tripped over in awkward ways, and
found no satisfaction reporting the issues to MS.

This is marketing bs from ms IMHO.
They use msvcrt for "non-system" components as well like IIS and stuff.
Well I suppose they wish that treated to be "system" component
but then it executes the extensions from userland.
Now add multiple extensions/filters with various dll linkage and
you are just asking for trouble.

If anyone notices apr or httpd exchanging such resources in a way that would
make httpd crash, we would *love* to know about it!  This is the time for us
to complete any corrections to the API, before httpd 2.4 ships.

If we resist on using CRT stuff like strcpy_l/strcpy_s, _fstat64i32 and
other weirdness from contemporary CRTs, we'd be fine.


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