On 06 Jul 2011, at 1:18 AM, Guenter Knauf wrote:

can you please tell me how it is intended to make mod_authnz_ldap.c aware of AP_HAS_LDAP ? I see you added ap_ldap.h[w|nw] which should define it, but for NetWare mod_authnz_ldap.c still bails out:
CC   mod_authnz_ldap.c
### mwccnlm Compiler:
#    File: mod_authnz_ldap.c
# --------------------------
# 38: #error mod_authnz_ldap requires LDAP support. To fix add --with-ldap to ./configure.
#   Error:       ^
#   preprocessor #error directive

can you please clarify?

I have vetoed the mess you've just referred to, and I expect wrowe to revert this change as per this project's rules.

If this is still not done by the end of the week I will make plans to do so myself, however I am currently arranging a wedding, and that comes first right now.


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