On 7/6/2011 6:07 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:
> I have vetoed the mess you've just referred to, and I expect wrowe to revert 
> this change
> as per this project's rules.

Per the project rules, you have failed to offer a valid technical
justification for your veto.  It represents an opinion.  Right now,
I have a much technical justification than you, due to the fact that
updating apr-util and replacing the ldap library consumed by apr-util
breaks an installed mod_ldap, violating binary compatibility guidelines.

> If this is still not done by the end of the week I will make plans to do so 
> myself,
> however I am currently arranging a wedding, and that comes first right now.

Do not unilaterally revert.  Doing so based on an unsubstantiated veto
jeopardizes your commit privileges.  Speaking for a moment as project
chair, I will not permit svn to be abused with commit wars.

I have put this to a [vote] as you had not done so, since you desire
some path to change the current direction.

Others at this list have expressed an interest in working with the
current state of trunk.  I've just completed a rather intensive project
and can again dedicate cycles to further testing and improving the
status quo for 2.3 beta.  I do know that things built on linux and win32
when I had last looked, but that was only with wldap32.dll and openldap
tests.  As we fix one thing, it is altogether possible that we break
something else, and I'm happy to help clean up today.

Complete refactoring at httpd would permit us to build mod_ldap_openldap
alongside other library options, something apr_util cannot provide.

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