On 1/17/2012 9:49 AM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Daniel Ruggeri <drugg...@primary.net> wrote:
>> All;
>>   I have submitted PR 52476 to track and document this bug. I've
>> uploaded the logs from my tests where I was able to duplicate the problem.
>> http://people.apache.org/~druggeri/logs/WinSSL/
> Looks like permissions need adjustment:
> wget -q -S 
> https://people.apache.org/~druggeri/logs/WinSSL/LWPRequest/access.log
>   HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
>   ...

Sorry, corrected. The logs.zip file had the right perms but not the
individual files.

Daniel Ruggeri

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