On 4/20/2012 6:25 AM, Igor Galić wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I started cleaning out mod_ssl and mod_rewrite's comments
> in order for them to be accessible to mere mortals. Similarly
> as we have started doing with their respective documentation.
> The patches can be found here:
>    http://sprunge.us/VCZB
>    http://sprunge.us/gbNj
> I will commit them unless someone objects that these sort
> of comments have more value beyond the purely sentimental.

I'm happy with such changes on trunk.  They are fun, but the module
has changed radically since it was written, RSE should no longer be
assigned the majority of the blame ;-P

He should be assigned attribution under ABOUT_APACHE (oh my that's grown
into an entire novel).  It only needs to be placed in NOTICE if subject
to an advertising clause (the donation predates AL 2.0).

Please ***do not backport***.  It's worse than whitespace changes, because
at least whitespace changes can be skipped with command line options.

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