On 1/21/2013 3:09 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
> I find it hard to really understand what's going on after applying the
> patch. Many configuration items are still inherited even with BI Off,
> but the underlying balancers and/or workers are no longer inherited.
> Examples are ProxyPass or <Proxy>. I am unsure what kind of behavior
> this could lead to. For example I tested:
> ProxyPass /p/ balancer://myvhost:8080/
> <Proxy balancer://myvhost:8080/>
>     BalancerMember http://myvhost:8080/
> </Proxy>
> BalancerInherit Off
> <VirtualHost *:8080>
>     DocumentRoot "htdocs/myvhost"
>     ServerName myvhost
>     ErrorLog "logs/myvhost-error_log"
>     CustomLog "logs/myvhost-access_log" common
> </VirtualHost>

As usual, mileage varies. I didn't test the case of a proxypass at
server level with a balancer there as well... here is my config:

BalancerInherit Off
<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
  BalancerMember route=1
ProxyPass /proxy/ balancer://mycluster/

ProxyPass /proxy2/ balancer://mycluster/

Attempts to hit /proxy/ on that vhost work every time (with
BalancerInherit Off). Attempts to hit /proxy2/ return a 503 and
"AH01171: balancer://mycluster: No workers in balancer". I'd say that
the former is definitely unexpected but the latter is fairly reasonable.

There was a ProxyPassInherit as part of the original patch... maybe that
needs to be revisited?

Daniel Ruggeri

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