On 2/6/2013 8:14 AM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
That may or may not be an issue.  On Windows we can load both the PHP
and mod_ssl flavors of OpenSSL at the same time if their dll names are
unique.  Unless msvc resources opened in httpd are closed by mod_php
or visa versa, two flavors of msvc can also coexist.  So mod_php aught
to load and function although mod_fcgid is still more optimal.

In a perfect world, but the realities today seem to be different. Then again, only VC9 Apache binaries are able to run mod_php anyway.

mod_fcgid alleviates both compiler/OpenSSL problems since it's running php in it's own process true, but at the cost of speed. I'm not sure I would consider that "optimal," but it works!


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