Hi Joe,
On 29.05.2013 18:06, Joe Orton wrote:
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:37:14AM -0400, Matthew Steele wrote:
Oops, yes, RUN_ALL semantics are desired; the misleading API description is
my fault, sorry.  (I confess I never really understood why RUN_ALL hooks
accept both OK and DECLINED values, but then don't actually treat them any
differently.)  So probably we should update the doc comments.  I'd be happy
to draft new versions for those if that would be helpful, or not, as you

OK vs DECLINED has always confused me too ;)

How does this look?  I've specified the behaviour for OK and DONE as
return codes for both the callbacks; since the caller doesn't pay
attention to errors I've left behaviour undefined for any other values.

(Really attached this time)
thanks for looking into it!
I will test tomorrow; need a rest just now since was the whole day busy at customers; but perhaps Gregg beats me soon ...


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