On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> On 20.09.2013 17:12, Eric Covener wrote:
>>> I propose the following patch:
>>> http://people.apache.org/~rjung/patches/vhost-pr54948-part2.patch
>>> Caution: I did not really understand that code, but tracked what
>>> happened during digesting the broken config using additional log output.
>>> The original patch for PR54948 not only removed the unwanted internal
>>> duplicates but also dropped the 443 part from any ":80 :443" VirtualHost.
>>> Someone knowing this code better should confirm, whether my addition is
>>> correct or whether PR54948 should be fixed in a different way.
>>> IMHO the current 2.4.5 code is really broken and we should either
>>> release the code with r1485675 reverted or an additional fix on top.
>>> The config that was broken is our ASF www.apache.org config. Version
>>> 2.4.5 ignored the 443 part of most of the ":80 :443" vhosts, more
>>> precisely all except for the default vhost and the first internally
>>> processed one. Since the first processed one was the last declared one,
>>> which was originally meant as a fall through catch all, that vhost now
>>> handled all 443 traffic.
>> I applied this to trunk after running into an unrelated NVH issue and
>> sorting through some of the confusing structures again.
>> But I looked closer at the infra config, and I cannot simulate it
>> without also adding "listen 443 http" otherwise mod_ssl complains that
>> the <vh *:80 *:443> doesn't have a cert.   Do you know this works on
>> www.a.o?
> I see only normal "Listen IP:Port" statements, some for port 80, others
> for 443.
> There are lots of vhost include files that use
> <VirtualHost *:80 *:443>
> but only one actually has SSL enabled:
> <VirtualHost _default_:443>
> And that one does carry a wildcard certificate.
> I haven't read the above thread yet again, but wasn't it about multiple
> ports? So any additional port like 80 and 81 should do to reproduce the
> problem. If that really helps you I can make up a minimal configuration,
> but probably you are after something else?

Thanks but no need for new config, was just curious if you knew how
the particular/unusual www.a.o config worked.   The first go around, I
assumed the VH w/ 80 and 443 had SSL directives in it but no SSLEngine
which was somehow implicitly enabled due to the protocol of the
listener -- but my there are no SSL directives, and my httpd won't
even allow it to start up.

Eric Covener

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