On 27/03/14 17:11, Emilia Kasper wrote:
Right. So this particular case could be handled by carefully
constructing the shortest possible chain from all AIA information
available (system store, p7c, crt).

In that particular case, yes, I suppose so. However, our "older" AddTrust/UTN roots have also cross-certified some of our "newer" roots. So, in some cases, shortest possible chain (to a known, trusted root) would be too short!

But I agree that it's gnarly, a
bunch of ugly code, and hugely undeterministic (what if the .crt
responds but the .p7c request errors out?).


Would you agree that it's safe to do a one-hop AIA-autocorrection for
leaves only, i.e. certs with NO intermediates configured? My hunch is
that this would fix the bulk of misconfigured chains while leaving the
ugly cross-signing cornercases alone.

I think it's probably "safe" in the sense that it wouldn't cause additional misconfiguration (and would sometimes cause correct configuration).

But I'm in two minds about whether or not it's a good idea. IMHO, AIA chasing bears much of the blame for the problem we're trying to fix here. Why? Because when a site administrator tests their site in a browser that does AIA chasing (such as Internet Explorer), it "works", so they don't notice and fix the misconfiguration.

One-hop AIA-autocorrection might well make the configuration less broken (e.g. a missing intermediate is added), but still not correct (e.g. a missing cross-certificate is not added). Being less broken would mean that the remaining brokenness is less likely to be detected and corrected.

So if the goal is to maximize the % of servers that are 100% correctly configured, one-hop AIA-autocorrection might actually be counterproductive.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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