
The SO_REUSEPORT patch has been in trunk for a few months now and has been proposed for backport in 2.4.x.

Here is an interesting paper which gives a clear explanation and some benchmark results:

Would be great if it could be committed in 2.4.x.
Having it reviewed and tested for 2.4.13 may not be possible because of the T&R window which seems to be in the coming days/weeks.
(this already what was answered for the 2.4.11/2.4.12 release)

Maybe, 2.4.14 could focus on reviewing/merging this patch and associated performance improvement? To help adoption, maybe an ASF server could be upgraded with a SO_REUSEPORT patched version of Apache to have our own measurements and see how it scales in a real world application. This has already been done in the past (testing impact of the skiplist implementation).

Best regards,

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