On 10/24/2015 08:49 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
Thoughts? Comments?


I'm somewhat on the outside looking in, as an httpd newbie. But my standard experience (it's happened two or three times now) is this:

1) Non-trivial patch is proposed to the list with calls for discussion/debate.
2) Nothing happens.
3) List is pinged for comments.
4) Silence.
5) Patch author either gives up or pings relentlessly until...
6) ...patch is applied directly to trunk without discussion.

This being a volunteer project, I don't actually mind steps 1-5 so much. You're busy people, and my patches shouldn't be priority one for anyone. I'm more concerned about step 6, where conversations wither on the vine in favor of just applying the patch and seeing what happens. I think that could contribute to the "cruft instead of cohesion" that you're seeing.

I'd rather not feel like I'm just annoying dev@ until you submit my stuff -- I want to *talk* about it, and improve the server.


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