On 5/16/2016 8:19 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> THANKS! This feature seemed to cause a lot of buzz @ ApacheCon so
> would be

I believe I heard and/or used the term "sexy" at least once to describe
it ;-)

On 5/16/2016 8:19 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> Hmmm... The balancer-manager page does display the configured
> values for 'hcpasses' and 'hcfails' as well as the current count
> of passes/fails. Is that sufficient?

Yeah - didn't think about that. It'd be fine for my purposes. It could
be a PITA if someone is monitoring for a specific string like
"transitive" or "fail", but it's probably not worth monkeying with.

Daniel Ruggeri

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