On 05/17/2016 02:53 PM, William A Rowe Jr wrote:
> (Note that HT is a CTL, right, so it appears to be doubly excluded, no?)
> CHAR is US-ASCII 0-127.

I noticed that too... It seems odd, but it's water under the bridge now,
I guess.

> The characters missing above from tchar are '"', '(', ')', ',', '/',
> ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', '\', ']', '{', '}' which
> corresponds to this delimiter list, and to the RFC2616 list. VCHAR is
> clearly US-ASCII 20-7E, possibly includes tab. (Tabs are visible spacing.)

RFC 7230 defers to RFC 5234 [1] for VCHAR:

>          VCHAR          =  %x21-7E
>                                 ; visible (printing) characters

So neither spaces nor tabs by my reading.

> So my concerns may have been unfounded, but reviewing the new spec
> against implementation still seems prudent.

+1 to that.

Getting back to your original question, then: if there are any
differences that do come up, I personally think it would be nice if the
new rules were used by default in the next major release, but
case-by-case consideration would probably be appropriate for now.


[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234#appendix-B.1

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