Hi guys,

I am trying to have haproxy added in front of our Apache servers, for
SSL termination. This is not hard to do, and especially with the recent
addition of ProxyProtocol support to mod_remoteip it works almost as we
need it.
Unfortunately we have a lot of users that use things like:
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
in their .htaccess, and stuff like:
in their PHP code.

Long story short, I need httpd to act like SSL is on, if the haproxy
instance says it is.
Fortunately the proxy protocol supports this, and haproxy can send it.
I have created a patch [1] that adds support for reading this in httpd,
but I have never before done something with the httpd source code. And,
as a matter of fact, have never really programmed in C before.

I am hoping you would be willing to have a look at it and tell me all
the things I am doing wrong. Eventually it would be awesome if the code
could be added to apache itself.

[1] https://github.com/AntagonistHQ/httpd/tree/remote-ssl

Kind regards,
Sander Hoentjen

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