+1 on Windows

All fine with building (to get a complete build did the MS dsp/dsw way) VC14/15 and running.

Build with:

nghttp2 1.23.1
apr 1.6.2
apr-util 1.6.0 with Crypto OpenSSL enabled
apr-iconv 1.2.1
VC15 openssl 1.1.0f, VC11/14 openssl 1.0.2l
zlib 1.2.11
brotli lib 1.0.0
pcre 8.40 with JIT, SUPPORT_UTF8 and REBUILD_CHARTABLES enabled
httpd.exe with OPENSSL_Applink and VC14/15 SupportedOS Manifest
libxml2 2.9.4
lua 5.2.4
expat 2.2.0

On Tuesday 13/06/2017 at 19:33, Jim Jagielski  wrote:
The pre-release test tarballs for Apache httpd
version 2.4.26 can be found at the usual place:


I'm calling a VOTE on releasing these as Apache httpd 2.4.26 GA.

[ ] +1: Good to go
[ ] +0: meh
[ ] -1: Danger Will Robinson. And why.

Vote will last the normal 72 hrs.

NOTE: The *-deps are only there for convenience.


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