> -- not sure, mod_md; should curl and jansson be added to notice/license
> files ?
> I don't think either is contained in mod_md, so I don't think they
> should be referenced in the NOTICES:
> http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#mod-notice
> ```
> Dependencies which are not included in the distribution MUST NOT be
> added to LICENSE and NOTICE. As far as LICENSE and NOTICE are
> concerned, only bundled bits matter.
> ```
> On Win the curl and jansson dependencies are included in the binary
> distribution.

We can't reflect what might be added in a third-party binary
distribution to the NOTICES file in httpd SVN. I think the obligation
is on whoever creates the binary distribution to enumerate what's in
it.  That's what the ASF policy (same page) would be, at least.

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