On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 1:14 PM, Ruediger Pluem <rpl...@apache.org> wrote:
> From an ops point of view:
> You do not always have an address bar visible with the affected URL. Think of 
> iframes or pop ups without address bars
> and people are bad in providing the exact point of time when the issue 
> happened and hence the access logs are a tedious
> business here on a busy server as a source for determining the issue. So I am 
> for re-encode the decoded URI so spaces
> can't be used.
> I don't like making admins life hard because of not so smart tools or people 
> reporting to security :-)

>From an ops point of view...

see access log. I don't see this information as helpful for admin/ops.

Perhaps useful for content creators with no such access. But I'd expect
the vast majority of these are 1) ignored and 2) intentional/malicious

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