On 4/18/2018 11:46 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> IMO, this boils down to 2 things:
>   1. nginx, particularly, does a LOT of promoting, marketing, PR, etc...
>      We don't. They get to promote their FUD all the time and remain
>      pretty much unchallenged.

Speaking from experience at $dayjob, I can confirm that the marketing
and sales folks are out in full force. I and a colleague have both been
contacted at our work addresses with messages tailored to our cloud and
cloud native jobs. Editorially, my work email address is not published
publicly - so this requires at least some minimal thinking to figure out
what the address is and to send the right targeted message.

At the same time, we should acknowledge that there are some things these
other products do well. TCP proxy/loadbalancing seems to be present in
many proxies but not httpd. Most products do not expose users to
underlying implementation details and instead allow the administrator to
express what they want done (the example that comes to mind is
slotmem/proxy modules needing to be loaded or a semi-confusing error
will come up). Some have really great 'how to' pages on their main docs
site to keep people from needing to dig.

>   2. They don't seem to have issues in understanding that new features,
>      enhancements and improvements to the server is what keeps users
>      and grows community. Instead, we either spend our time naval
>      gazing and pondering such inane issues as revisiting versioning,
>      or else treat the codebase like a school exercise where the
>      winner is the one who changes the most number of lines. Each time
>      a new feature is proposed, we have to deal with the incessant
>      blather around 2.6, 3.0, EOLing 2.4, blah blah blah. We've had
>      some features in httpd long before similar functionality existed
>      in nginx, for example, but they got to release 1st because we
>      were too busy standing on soapboxes or bike-shedding.

I think it's fair to point out that we have shipped regressions in some
form or another for several of our recent releases... plus a few that
didn't get shipped thanks to the n00b RM :-). I can't speak for every
contributor to the code base, but I view breaking or significantly
altering a configuration that is working today to be criminal.

Given that we have made mistakes, the conversations that are being held
are both an acknowledgement of the errors and brainstorming about how we
can proceed without harming our users. We want to release new features
AND remain stable AND improve the code base. There is a balancing act
among those three goals we need to agree on as a community.

I'll use this blank line as a quote for what I think could possibly be a
third point for consideration. We are lacking in two areas that I think
are key for survivability: enterprise usability and machine-based management
On the enterprise front: one of the things that Microsoft gets right is
that with enough clicking around in a UI, an administrator can
accidentally implement a perfectly functional server. The massive
amounts of study put toward usability and consistency pays off since an
admin who understands how to generally set up a windows server could
just kinda figure out how to start and manage the web subsystem. Talking
about nginx in the enterprise, you don't get that same level of
"clickability"... but you DO get a phone number you can call and
complain to when your config isn't working right as well as some
pre-sales/post-sales engineers that will help you through the
configuration syntax.

On the exact opposite front: IIS and nginx suffer just as badly as we do
when it comes to machine-driven management. There are pretty clear
trends happening in the world around aggregating several OSS projects
into a larger amalgamation (Kubernetes being a rather fine example).
These amalgamations tend to prefer services which can be configured by a
machine both pre and post start. In the proxy space, envoy is a big
up-and-comer where config can be read from file but completely altered
via API after the server has started. Having a machine-friendly
configuration syntax (YML or JSON, for example) would be a great gateway
to constructing a generic API handler that can modify nearly any part of
the running server.

To be fair... I think these are cool things to do, but FAR beyond my
skill set and time budget.

> Personally, I'd like to see the the PMC take a more active and
> direct role in addressing #1, maybe w/ monthly blog posts
> coordinated w/ Sally. It would also be cool to reboot Apache Week
> (I know it was an external, 3rd party effort) in in conjunction
> w/ the blog posts or instead of it.

This is interesting. Can you provide some examples for the types of blog
posts that you think would be good to make? Stealing from other parts of
the thread (thanks, Luca!), I could see value in providing bite-sized
tidbits of how requests/responses are run, what this whole "hook" and
"pool" stuff is all about and anything to demystify the filter chain.
Those things could also be used to refresh our developer guidelines pages.
I'm not positive that kind of content is what you have in mind since I
think that would primarily drive the interest of module authors rather
than the folks who choose which webserver to use.

> And finally, when the vast majority of web servers nowadays live
> *behind* proxy servers, these type of metric surveys are meaningless.
> Of course, I feel that this was nginx and MS' plan all along: they
> knew how things were changing and wanted to win the "proxy server
> market"... all that should be pretty obvious w/ 20/20 hindsight.

Daniel Ruggeri

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