> On May 2, 2018, at 10:45 AM, Micha Lenk <mi...@lenk.info> wrote:
> Hi Graham,
> On 05/01/2018 04:33 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:
>> What has been missing is input from the major distributors of our
>> software (Fedora, Ubuntu, Redhat, Debian, Apple, Windows, Linux from
>> Scratch, etc), who I believe are probably going “httpd is a mature
>> project, we have nothing to worry about”. I would recommend against
>> making changes to our approach without soliciting the views of these
>> people and making sure they’re all catered for.
> Why would you make a proposed change dependent on the (almost necessarily 
> contradicting) views of external entities? Is the feedback from the major 
> distributors through existing channels really so bad that the httpd project 
> can't get to an opinion of what it would like to accomplish on its own? What 
> exactly are you afraid of?

Due to the modular aspect of httpd, we are lucky to have an extremely large,
vibrant and diverse eco-system of module authors. Some are companies
that provide functionality via binary modules, others are single-author
GitHub authors.

A change on versioning and what versioning means and guarantees
related to versioning affects this extremely large community. There is
also the ISV and commercial *providers* of httpd to be considered as
well, and how these changes would affect them.

With all that in mind, you can't just "willy-nilly" decide to change
things without knowledge of how such changes will affect the eco-
system as well as without a really solid rationale for said change.
I don't consider "I can point out a handful of projects that do it
different than httpd" as a solid rationale.

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